15 minutes from Le Relais des Puys  La grotte de la pierre de Volvic Clermont-ferrand

15 minutes from Le Relais des Puys

La grotte de la pierre de Volvic

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La Grotte de la Pierre de Volvic

Move around this gallery dug out by man and explore the Volvic heritage: the work and life of quarry-workers, the use of Volvic stone from yesteryear to today, the secret at the source…

La Grotte de la Pierre de Volvic, 15 minutes or 15km from Le Relais des Puys


The result of a lava flow from La Nugère volcano, which erupted 13,000 years ago, the site has been used as a gallery for its stone since the 13th century. The last eruptions of Puy de la Nugère in fact led to a rock with various properties: trachyandesite.

La Nugère volcano erupted 13,000 years ago.

Since the 16th century, on this site, the rock has been used as a gallery to quarry the famous Volvic stone, or trachyandesite.

Today, thanks to a scénovision® journey and through the life of Jean Legay-Chevalier, you can discover the severity of quarry work, the many uses of Volvic stone and the discovery of the famous Volvic water.

The journey is in five stages:

  • The open-air quarry and the work site: quarrying techniques and hard labour
  • Lava and water: the history of Puy de la Nugère and the discovery of the water
  • Olden days: the Herculean task of working in the grotto and the use of stone
  • Daily life in Volvic: the way of life for quarrying families in the 1900s
  • Eternal stone (new for 2016): craftspeople and artists of today

Good deal: for priority access, buy your tickets from Le Relais des Puys.


--- Grotte de Volvic - Maison de la Pierre ---